System Sans Serif mes New Roman Times New Roman MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif -- Copyright 1994 The Saratoga Group -- Portions 1991 Asymetrix Corporation -- Authors: Debra Savage, Steve Randesi 4tb,bookPath,courseName -- tb=version toolbook -- 1=directory path NO SYSTEM BOOK "sp1a" 44,40 sysRuntime tbook initmenu / -- removes -- Ctrl+X allowed sizetoPage scripts 8have been removed " &&\ -- "cannot be viewed. Any attempt " &&\ -- " {may damage the trap F12 key toggleStatus terBook toggleStatus enterBook enterBook toolbook author tbook tinitmenu sizetoPage bookPath courseName toggleStatus ny attempt to edit a script for an object may damage the book. toggleStatus Topics Index toggleStatus nuBkgd Close buttonUp buttonUp Close Click on a topic to select it. Then click the forward arrow.the forward arrow.rrow....... AAAAAA Topic Indexxdexxxxxxxxxxx indexlist selected false 1.0 A Tour of the Internet 1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 How Do I Connect to the Internet? 1.3 Why Should I Use the Internet? 2.0 Touring with Internet In A Box 2.1 Using SPRY Mosaic 2.2 Using SPRY Mail 2.3 Using SPRY News 2.4 Using Network File Manager 2.5 Using SPRY Gopher 2.6 Using SPRY Telnet et In A Box Wizard 2.1.5 Using Hotlists 2.1.6 What is a URL? 2.1.7 How Can I Find URL's? 2.1.8 Basic Internet Services 2.1.9 Viewers 2.2 Using SPRY Mail ERV 5.8 Usenet 5.9 Finger 5.10 Whois 5.10 Whois 5.12 5.12.4 Connections 5.12.5 Beyond Software Packages - AT Configuration 5.12.6 Setting Up Modems for Other Devices 5.13 Connecting a PC Modem to a Wide Area Network 5.14 Connecting a Router to a Wide Area Network 5.15 Installing a DSU/CSU 5.15.1 DTE to DCE Interface Cable 5.15.2 Rack-mount or Freestanding 5.15.3 Telephone Line Connection 5.15.4 Configuration Switches 5.15.5 Data Rate 5.15.6 Timing Options 5.15.7 Interface Options 5.15.8 Carrier and CTS Options 5.15.9 DSR Options 5.15.10 Test Options 5.15.11 Power Up 5.15.12 Check-Out Test 5.16 Summary 6.0 Troubleshooting Modems and DSU/CSUs 6.1 Typical Communications Problems 6.2 Modem Front Panel Indicators 6.2.1 Modem Ready (MR) 6.2.2 Terminal Ready (TR) 6.2.3 Send Data (SD) 6.2.4 Receive Data (RD) 6.2.5 Off Hook (OH) 6.2.6 Carrier Detect (CD) 6.2.7 Auto Answer (AA) 6.2.8 High Speed (HS) 6.2.9 Test Indicators 6.2.10 Other Indicators 6.3 Modem Self-Test 6.4 Loopback Tests 6.4.1 Local Digital Loopback 6.4.2 Local Analog Loopback 6.4.3 Local Analog Loopback With Pattern 6.4.4 Remote Digital Loopback 6.4.5 Remote Digital Loopback With Pattern 6.5 Loopback Tests for DSU/CSUs 6.5.1 Local Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.2 Local Analog Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.3 Remote Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.6 Data Communications Test Equipment 6.6.1 The Break Out Box 6.6.2 LEDs 6.6.3 Patch Points 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary Null Modem) 6.9 Summary he Break Out Box 6.6.2 LEDs 6.6.3 Patch Points 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary uit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary odem) 6.9 Summary 9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary mmary 6.9 Summary A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary Modem) 6.9 Summary e Packages - AT Configuration 5.12.6 Setting Up Modems for Other Devices 5.13 Connecting a PC Modem to a Wide Area Network 5.14 Connecting a Router to a Wide Area Network 5.15 Installing a DSU/CSU 5.15.1 DTE to DCE Interface Cable 5.15.2 Rack-mount or Freestanding 5.15.3 Telephone Line Connection 5.15.4 Configuration Switches 5.15.5 Data Rate 5.15.6 Timing Options 5.15.7 Interface Options 5.15.8 Carrier and CTS Options 5.15.9 DSR Options 5.15.10 Test Options 5.15.11 Power Up 5.15.12 Check-Out Test 5.16 Summary 6.0 Troubleshooting Modems and DSU/CSUs 6.1 Typical Communications Problems 6.2 Modem Front Panel Indicators 6.2.1 Modem Ready (MR) 6.2.2 Terminal Ready (TR) 6.2.3 Send Data (SD) 6.2.4 Receive Data (RD) 6.2.5 Off Hook (OH) 6.2.6 Carrier Detect (CD) 6.2.7 Auto Answer (AA) 6.2.8 High Speed (HS) 6.2.9 Test Indicators 6.2.10 Other Indicators 6.3 Modem Self-Test 6.4 Loopback Tests 6.4.1 Local Digital Loopback 6.4.2 Local Analog Loopback 6.4.3 Local Analog Loopback With Pattern 6.4.4 Remote Digital Loopback 6.4.5 Remote Digital Loopback With Pattern 6.5 Loopback Tests for DSU/CSUs 6.5.1 Local Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.2 Local Analog Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.3 Remote Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.6 Data Communications Test Equipment 6.6.1 The Break Out Box 6.6.2 LEDs 6.6.3 Patch Points 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary .8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary ith Pattern 6.4.4 Remote Digital Loopback 6.4.5 Remote Digital Loopback With Pattern 6.5 Loopback Tests for DSU/CSUs 6.5.1 Local Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.2 Local Analog Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.3 Remote Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.6 Data Communications Test Equipment 6.6.1 The Break Out Box 6.6.2 LEDs 6.6.3 Patch Points 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary Summary odem) 6.9 Summary 9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.2.8 High Speed (HS) 6.2.9 Test Indicators 6.2.10 Other Indicators 6.3 Modem Self-Test 6.4 Loopback Tests 6.4.1 Local Digital Loopback 6.4.2 Local Analog Loopback 6.4.3 Local Analog Loopback With Pattern 6.4.4 Remote Digital Loopback 6.4.5 Remote Digital Loopback With Pattern 6.5 Loopback Tests for DSU/CSUs 6.5.1 Local Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.2 Local Analog Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.5.3 Remote Digital Loopback (DSU/CSU) 6.6 Data Communications Test Equipment 6.6.1 The Break Out Box 6.6.2 LEDs 6.6.3 Patch Points 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary Summary 6.9 Summary ating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 9 Summary 6.9 Summary est Equipment 6.6.1 The Break Out Box 6.6.2 LEDs 6.6.3 Patch Points 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 9 Summary Summary 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary odem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary odem) 6.9 Summary odem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.7.5 Using Special Cables 6.8 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.1 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary 6.9 Summary 2 LEDs 6.6.3 Patch Points 6.6.4 DIP Switches 6.7 Break Out Box - Example 6.7.1 Check Timing Circuits 6.7.2 Check Data Terminal Ready 6.7.3 Check Data Set Ready 6.7.4 Check Received Data Circuit 6.7.4 Using Patch Points 6.8 Another Use of a Break Out Box 6.8.1 Creating a Null Modem 6.8.2 A Typical Crossover Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary Summary Circuit (Null Modem) 6.9 Summary buttonUp buttonUp tour.tbk inet.tbk textFromPoint what is the internet? go to page of book toolbook indexList toolbook pagen isSection isLeadBlank isPageName bookName sectnum bookPath courseName module1 module2 module3 module4 module5 enterBook toggleStatus author initMenus enterBook toolbook author initMenus tbook bookpath tour.ico bookPath courseName author The scripts in this book have been removed and cannot be viewed. 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